
Showing posts from May, 2020

Leak Location Projection

The electrical leak location method is a powerful tool used to detect electrical paths through leaks in a geomembrane liner. A voltage is applied to an electrode placed in the soil or water covering the liner and to an electrode placed in the leak detection zone for double-lined systems or connected to earth ground for single-lined systems. Because the geomembrane liner is an electrical insulator, current will flow only through leaks in the liner. This current produces localized anomalous areas of high current density near the leaks. Leak Location Projection

Leak Location Soil Survey

Damage caused by heavy machinery while installing earth materials on geomembranes is the most significant cause of damage to geomembranes. A geoelectric leak location survey of the soil-covered geomembrane of a newly constructed landfill is a very cost-effective method for finding leaks that occur while placing a protective soil cover over the geomembrane liner. Leak Location Soil Survey

Leak Locator

The electrical leak location method is a powerful tool used to detect electrical paths through leaks in a geomembrane liner. A voltage is applied to an electrode placed in the soil or water covering the liner and to an electrode placed in the leak detection zone for double-lined systems or connected to earth ground for single-lined systems. Because the geomembrane liner is an electrical insulator, the current will flow only through leaks in the liner. This current produces localized anomalous areas of high current density near the leaks. Leak Locator

ASTM D7007

The electrical leak location method is a powerful tool used to detect electrical paths through leaks in a geomembrane liner. A voltage is applied to an electrode placed in the soil or water covering the liner and to an electrode placed in the leak detection zone for double-lined systems or connected to earth ground for single-lined systems. Because the geomembrane liner is an electrical insulator, current will flow only through leaks in the liner. This current produces localized anomalous areas of high current density near the leaks. ASTM D7007

Leak Location

We’re an international company specializing in Electrical Leak Location Surveys of Geomembranes. We have over 27 years of experience and deliver first-class surveys for our clients worldwide.Most importantly, Leak Location Services, Inc. understands that quality leak location survey work, quickly and without delay, is important to your bottom line. Leak Location

Leak Location Testing

The electrical leak location method is a powerful tool used to detect electrical paths through leaks in a geomembrane liner. A voltage is applied to an electrode placed in the soil or water covering the liner and to an electrode placed in the leak detection zone for double-lined systems or connected to earth ground for single-lined systems. Because the geomembrane liner is an electrical insulator, current will flow only through leaks in the liner. This current produces localized anomalous areas of high current density near the leaks. Leak Location Testing

ELIM System

In addition to manual leak location surveys, an Electrical Leak Imaging and Monitoring (ELIM) system can be permanently installed to monitor for leaks in the landfill liner. The ELIM system uses a series of electrodes placed on top of or underneath the geomembrane liner during liner installation. The electrodes are connected to an instrument panel used to make the electrical measurements. A data acquisition system collects and stores the data. The data is processed using advanced mathematical computer algorithms to calculate and display the positions of the leaks. ELIM System

Deep Water Survey

 A Deep Water Survey was performed on a double-lined brine pond with a geonet between the secondary and primary geomembranes.  The pond was approximately 19,000 meters in size.The pond was surveyed at full capacity with 52,000 cubic meters of solution in the lined area.  During the survey, brine water was placed between liners in order to have an electrical media above and below the primary geomembrane being surveyed. Deep Water Survey